Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The All Consuming Effects of Corruption

The problem with eliminating corruption is that it has the ability to spread into all parts of society with no true entry point. Instead of infecting a part it infects the entirety of the body as a whole. This means that instead of amputating a limb for the better of the whole, you need to consider an entire upheaval of the current situation to reestablish a better alternative that is transparent and just.
Surely, there wouldn’t be a need for such drastic measures? This misconception, according to Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission is what has allowed corruption to continue without check in our society. This is because of the lack of tangible evidence against corruption. Since people do not yet know the amount that they been exploited, they can shrug it off believing it to be a myth.
In fact, corruption’s side effects manage to infiltrate the political system, society and the economy. These three main aspects of our country have now been thus polluted that a recovery will only be made through constant and consistent efforts with the collaboration of initiatives like the Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission.
The political sphere finds itself in a precarious position where they will be unable to perfectly implement the rule of law as those who are in positions of power will continue to abuse it. This blatant misuse of power will lead to a corruption of the legal system causing civilians to lose belief in the system. As a result, transparency in institutions will be diminished as people will continue to cover up their tracks.
The society on the other hand will suffer from this ham handed effort towards their care. The lack of faith in democratic culture, and the lack of transparency will retard the lines of communication generating distrust within the society. Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission believes in the reestablishment of this trust to create a happier society.
The economy hover will have to suffer from the largest blow because no matter how much you try to conceal the presence of corruption, t tends to rear its head as proof within the economy. This not only becomes evident on local markets but also within the international spheres as international investments is pulled out and no future financing is to be seen. This effectively cuts off the region from the technological and industrial developments that the rest of the world sees slowing down overall economic growth. Asot Michael Anti Corruption wants to show international investors that the country and economy are safe for investment and have been purged from corruption.

Private Sectors Not Free From Corruption

The public sector is the one that is usually associated with corruptive actions. While most of the blame does lie in this directing, it does not mean that the private sector is immune from corruption. Economic growth which has already faced severe retardation as a result of the corruption within the public sector had some hope for the private sector which had the means to salvage it. Asot Michael Anti Corruption believes that if steps are not taken to nip it in the bud, the private sector to will succumb to this virus.
The private sector on the other hand, seems to have learnt quite a different lesson from the current corruption within the public sector and has begun to partake in the activity rather than shunning it.
Asot Michael Anti Corruption works towards the restoration of not only the private but also the public sectors to their former glories and reinstate a pure system free of corruption.
Many businessmen do hold the public sector responsible for the current corruption that has seeped into the private one. After observing the perks of corruption in the public sector and the lack of consequences, many have been found conducting themselves in a similar manner.
The silent acceptance of corruption not only within the private sector but also in society as a whole is what has really allowed the issue to grow beyond control. The rise and expansion of corruption within the society has largely been due to its Hydra like properties. The moment that one head is severed, two more pop in place. With no true point of origin or elimination, there is very little that can be done to truly eliminate it. This has led people to accept its existence as natural within the society and not as an alien entity eating away at the crux of our economy. Asot Michael Anti Corruption wants to bring to light its natural existence in society and eradicate it.
Additionally, very little legal action is ever taken against those engaging in corruptive acts leading providing them with the courage to commit them again. If corruption continues to go unpunished, there will be no stopping these individuals from leading our economy towards an unprecedented combustion.
The motives of businessmen too have set the issue of corruption on the back burner. Since businessmen are only working towards accumulation of profits and the reduction of losses, corrupt individuals are not their primary concern. Asot Michael Anti Corruption wishes to implement these moral values in the private sector and bring forth those that have been dabbling in illegal corrupt acts and exploiting those that they employ.

Identifying Corruption in Our Society

Corruption is a word that most of us have heard but not many comprehend. The vague clouds surrounding its existence have allowed it to grow unbridled without fear of consequence. In order to understand how you can eradicate this plague from society it is important to understand what it looks like. Asot Michael Anti Corruption has been working towards revealing the true faces of corruption and making sure that all systems are henceforth purely transparent.
Once you have identified corruption for what it is then you can start taking measures against its elimination and prevention. The foremost kind of corruption present in today’s systems is that of bribery. Not only is it the most common method used by individuals to exploit the system, it is also the one which has the severest deteriorating effects. Asot Michael Anti Corruption is making efforts towards the elimination of all such gateways that lead towards a completely corrupt system.
It requires people in positions of power to abuse their power in the favor of those willing to pay them an amount of money. This blatant abuse of position not only leads to misuse of finance but also weakens the system as civilians on the other side receives the short end of the stick.
Another form of bribery is that of kickbacks which are done in contractual agreements. In kickbacks, a certain percentage of profit is simply reserved for the relevant individual. While bribery can come in various shapes and sizes, these two are most prevalent today. Asot Michael Anti Corruption wishes to bring awareness into the society and help them people understand the repercussions of these actions.
In addition to bribery trading influences have also been tearing at the fabric of society. This occurs when a powerful individual pressures another to perform a specific task. While these individuals may be a little easier to detect, they cannot truly be called out on their reactions because of the positions they hold.
Those in positions of power are prone to its abuse and their subsequent immunity leads to further disaster. Once the so called caretakers of society are the ones that begin harming it, there is a need for a drastic upheaval of current methods in lieu of stricter measures.
Additionally, Illicit Enrichment is when individuals have accumulated wealth beyond their means and cannot truly trace the sources of origin of the finance. This finance usually finds its way into their bank accounts as a result of misappropriation of funds, extortion, false accounting or money laundering. Asot Michael Anti Corruption demands that these individuals be brought to light and that the rightful sources of the funds be identified.

Asot Michael Anti Corruption: Corruption: Demand-Supply & The Role of Government Officials

Corruption exists at both ends – supply side and demand side. At each end there is a different group of actors which is playing the game. It is for the same reason that Asot Michael Anti Corruption aims for a well rounded and coordinated approach towards fighting corruption. The idea is that each one ‘’takes care of their own neighborhood’’. Since corruption can not be eliminated successfully if..
How often do we see the economic ills that are created as a direct result of corrupt practices; distortion that result into inefficient market structures and faltering pricing mechanisms, all of which is detrimental to the very existence of sound and revenue generating business opportunities.
Corruption gives government officials unbridled powers over the time, to build and mould regulations in their own personal interest. Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission aims to unmask those government officials who are often on the payroll of huge corporations or high net work clients. As a result, democratic and public institutions get weakened, and the general population suffers without proper governance in place.
For example, corporations might bribe government officials into accepting sub standard products and materials for a public facility. It also results in inefficient allocation of a country’s resources. Moreover, according to Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission, the government officials who are supposed to work in the best interests of the general public, end up secretly representing the ‘elite’ who come loaded with agendas pushed forward through bribe and other such corrupt practices.
Growth is undermined and good businesses shy away from investing in the country. Thus the whole population pays a terrible price for the greed of a few individuals. ‘Facilitation payments’ as they are called are often made to public officials to ‘speed up’ or ‘slow down’ a certain process.  Overall, the negative effects of corruption on good governance in the country can not be overemphasized.
However, despite the immensity of the task ahead, Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission aims to bring such practices to the public eye.

Asot Michael Anti Corruption: Corruption, Victims & Perpetrator

When it comes to corruption, people generally fall into two categories; either you are a perpetrator or a victim. It is the latter group of people that Asot Michael Anti Corruption aims to protect. By protection it is meant that there should be a level playing field for all ‘players’ in the society, with decisions that are of central importance to them, being made on the basis of fairness and merit.
There is no denying the fact that corruption exists at all levels in the society. Different social groups use corruption as an aid to further their agenda. Be it a simple decision of child admittance in a school of high prestige to the large multi million dollar transaction, the prospects of corruption loom large. Often between two choices of equal merit, corrupt tendencies often play the decisive factor.
The perpetrators of corruption believe that every thing has a price. And that includes people with decision making powers. Their idea is that if you can’t win them over, buy them over. It is this very thinking that Asot Michael Anti Corruption aims to destroy.
On the contrary, there are genuinely good people, who decry corruption, but believe it has buried its tentacles deep down into the psyche of our society, that nothing can be done to limit its menace, let alone completely eliminating it. According to Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission, this thinking is equally invalid, and is contributing towards the growth of corruption, by being complacent towards its evils. If this is the case, then nothing can be further from the truth!
Asot Michael Anti corruption movement addresses the very same group of people as described above, and leads them with example, that nay, all is not lost, and if we but try, we can work together to root out corruption from the psyche of our society, and eliminate its manifestation in the commercial and social dealings.

Keyword-Antigua Labour Party,Asot Michael