Thursday, 5 June 2014

Asot Michael Anti Corruption and the Battle against Corruption

In order to correct any unfavorable situation, there is a dire need for the presence of strategy that can help reach goals. The same is true for corruption. In this case however, the magnitude of efforts however will need to be deliberate and constant. Corruption has become such an ingrained part of society today that many have simply accepted its existence, allowing it to fester and grow.
Asot Michael Anti Corruption is not only working towards bringing corruption to the light but also eliminating its presence from stems of government, private organizations and the rest of society. Since it has managed to infiltrate the entire society, the detoxification will have to be done from the ground up until all traces of it have been eliminated.

One thing that must be understood is that this is not an overnight task but rather a constant struggle against a force that has existed for a long time and has managed to root its feet into every facet of society. This is a venture that Asot Michael Anti Corruption are willing to undertake. The first step that must be taken in that direction is to create new jobs for the masses. Poverty is the main reason for corruption and once the people have the tools to take control of their lives, they will rely on their own skills to generate finance rather than looking for shortcuts. Once you eliminate the barriers to employment, corruption will take a back burner.
In a similar vein, entrepreneurship must also be encouraged due to its ability to create new jobs within the economy.
Asot Michael Anti Corruption understands that in order to combat corruption, efforts must be made to keep the future generations free of it. As the coming members of the society will take control of the nation, corruption will become a thing of the past. To reach this destination, it is important to spread education and increase the literacy level within the society. Education will help ingrain within students the importance of moral and social values with a rejection of corruption.
Measures will have also have to be taken to keep institutions most at risk in check. Audits will have to be made while electronic checks can be kept to detect any discrepancies in numbers. Any corruptive actions should also be met with strong repercussions in order to reiterate to individuals that corruption is a phenomenon that is unacceptable to society. Asot Michael Anti Corruption wants to work with the members of society to create a better tomorrow.

Corruption in the Private Sector

There is a dire need for an economic upheaval
when it comes to the elimination of corruption within the system. Once this toxic element is completely removed from society, then only can the wheels to economic growth start turning. Those in the public sector has always been notorious for being the banner men of corruption but it has also been found that the matter has spun so out of control that no part of society is truly free from it.
As the private sector too is reeling from the blunt force trauma that it has repeatedly received as a result of corruption, many have begun to accept it as it is and move on with business. Businesses have also begun to partake in bribes and corruptive actions which ultimately lead towards a deterioration of not only the business in question but are also chipping away at the economy as whole. Asot Michael Anti Corruption works towards the reestablishment of a society free of corruptive influences.
Many businessmen, similar to Asot Michael Anti Corruption, are of the view that this corruption has originated from that which is present in the public sector. As businessmen view the many benefits that corrupt individuals have received as a result of their corruptive actions, they too want to take the easy way out. What they don’t realize is the collective damage they are implementing on citizens.
The biggest barrier to the elimination of corruption within the private sector is that of its nonchalance acceptance. Most companies d not operate without it and quite simply put know no other way of doing business. Another factor recognized by the Asot Michael Anti Corruption is the lack of action that is taken against those dabbling n corruption. Since there is no remorse or fear of reprimand, businessmen are free to do as they choose resulting in the exploitation of employees who work for them.
What has allowed the issue to multiply like rabbits however is the fact that businesses refuse to take the issue seriously enough. The primary motives of a business have always been fairly dichotomous. Since the dawn of time they have simply worked towards the creation of profit and the elimination of losses. Since corruption falls in conjunction with their primary motives, there is no reason for any internal action to be taken to curtail such behavior. This lack of heck on actions such as this is what the Asot Michael Anti Corruption Initiative will challenge.

Asot Michael Anti Corruption Attempts to Eliminate the Corrupted Mindset

The world has been in the search of the establishment of a utopian society for a long time now. Most however have given up on the venture and have retired the thought to take its place in the books of myth and legends. Asot Michael Anti Corruption however has not yet given up on the creation of an idealistic society and believes that there is still a chance to salvage the society as a whole and banish corruption and nepotism from it.
Corruption is an epidemic that works its way outwards from the inside. This is just how it has managed to infiltrate throughout governments and businesses starting from clerks to managing directors to politicians.
Corruption has a way of affecting various levels of the system and cannot truly be gone until it is completely purged from every facet of our society. Clerks in organizations accept bribes to help process cases faster. Government officials work with large corporations in order to implement sub-par resources in projects with the remainder going in their pocket. This behavior inadvertently harms citizens who are tax payers. Asot Michael Anti Corruption looks to bring these individuals to light and make them face the consequences of their actions.
Citizens themselves however have also been afflicted by corruption. Parents have often been found bribing school officials in order to help their child get admission in prestigious schools. What has allowed corruption to web into our society is this blind acceptance. Asot Michael Anti Corruption has been making efforts to reinstate it back to its unnatural state which is unacceptable to society.
This corruptive behavior and its acceptance can only be effectively removed from our society once it is no longer considered a societal norm. The question here arises, that if something like corruption has become so ingrained in our society will it really be possible to eliminate it without dismantling the entire structure that it stands on?
This behavior has delayed many efforts that were made towards the correction of society. The fear of breaking down the existing system has allowed this virus to fester and spread throughout the system. The truth is that there is greater need to today to begin from scratch and reestablish roots based on a corruption free society and this ideology of the Asot Michael Anti Corruption movement is the only thing that can lead us towards that goal.

Asot Michael MP

Thanks to the valiant effort being carried out by The Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission, the general awareness about corruption is becoming more widespread. They have taken it upon themselves to first educate people about corruption, and then lead them towards the fight against it.
Corruption occurs in different forms. For knowledge of the common man, we can say all for the activities cited hence forth constitute corruption: “In its wider sense, corruption includes one or more of bribery, extortion, fraud, deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence and money laundering.” (Global Infrastructure Anti Corruption Center (GIACC)
Often people ask The Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission that why they should be a part in a fight against corruption. Well, the answer can be given in a series of steps. Essentially, corruption aims at providing an ‘unfair’ advantage to one of the parties, at the expense of the other. The parties involved may be individuals or a organized body, such as economic institution, corporate or a country.
Some real life examples can include, a corrupt public official award tenders to a corrupt party, in return for a ‘bribe’ that he receives. In another instance, a senior official from a law enforcement agency may coerce his junior to do something not warranted by the law by using his ‘authoritative’ powers over him. This falls into the category of abuse of power.
Furthermore, a contractor who was awarded a contract on merit to build infrastructure in the country, such as a bridge, makes use of sub-standard material in the construction of the bridge, that poses danger to the lives and well being to those who pass over.
As we can see corruption in any of its form is detrimental for individual as well as public life. Deep concerns regarding these grave matters has led the Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission to educate and lead people towards the noble fight against corruption.

Asot Michael MP

They have no respect for the rules. They don’t care about your rights. They have no regard for the law. They thwart all these by paying ‘bribes’. Yes. You guessed it right! They are the CORRUPT!
How often they have broken the laws that they were meant to serve. How often they have violated your rights, and you were disappointed and suffered in silence.
How often they have made their own corrupt ways, when they were supposed to facilitate the wayfaring for you. But all this must end soon, as Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission has risen for you, for the injustices done to you, and for the havoc played with the economic interests of the nation.
The Asot Michael Anti Corruption Mission is one of those noble human efforts aimed at rooting out those ‘land mines’ that lay across the society, so that ‘merit’ doesn’t take a fall. So that noble human endeavor comes before ‘human greed’.
The corrupt want people to go in a retreat, and suffer in silence. And they have been very successful at this. Corruption means power, which in turn inspires ‘fear’ in the hearts of the common men. How many of us have given in to these fears, and have gone back to their shells.
But history tells that often the a call comes, and a bell rings, and the caravan wakes up and resumes its journey! The Asot Michael Anti Corruption mission is one such ‘call’ that beckons you to stand up for you can deliver a change once you make up your mind.
For anyone who desires a genuine change, the time is now. Make up your mind, and get your efforts behind this noble aim, to eliminate corruption from our society, that is the guiding light for The Asot Michael Anti Corruption.